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Original Gameboy Tetris lives on in Tetris DS...somewhat

by rawmeatcowboy
16 March 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

B00002SVEO 01  SCMZZZZZZZ While the rumors have been floating around for a few days now, I have some concrete evidence on the matter. Many people were hoping that the original Tetris back form the GameBoy days could be unlocked in Tetris DS. While that may prove to be true, I have not found a way to do it yet. I am working my way through all the gameplay modes trying to complete them 100%, and something may happen in the future. What I can say right now for sure is that the original Tetris lives on in Tetris DS…by the way of music. So far I have come across two remixed tracks that are from the original Tetris…one of them in a menu and the other by way of reaching a certain goal. You will eventually come to an original Tetris themed level, with images from the original Tetris included. Once you beat this level, the song that plays during the level is unlocked. I have snagged the two songs for you to download, click the links below to check them out.

I just want things to be clear and let everyone know that if you play standard Tetris mode, once you reach the highest level you access an original Gameboy Tetris themed level. I have no idea if there is a full game mode of the original Gameboy Tetris, but there is at least a playable homage to it.

Tetris DS unlockable song

Tetris DS menu song