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GoNintendo 'End of Day' thought - Playing through the modern classics

by rawmeatcowboy
18 July 2011
GN Version 3.1


Man, working while at the beach is depressing! I wish there were a way to update and swim in the ocean. I think it’s going to take a few years to figure that one out, so for this week I’ll be sticking to work as usual. At least I get to update from the beach with a change of scenery! Sometimes that’s all you need to put you in a great mood. I’ll be here updating beachside tomorrow, with a work schedule just like my usual routine. That means I’ll see you guys in a few, short hours!

For those of you that don’t know, I’m out in North Carolina for my annual family vacation. We all get together once a year for a trip to the beach, and it’s an absolute blast. One of the best parts about the trip is the amount of gamers that are in the family! That means it’s pretty much a given that we’ll be playing video games at some point during the day. It usually comes about at night when things are winding down. We all head into the game room and pick something out to play.

Lately my cousin has been playing Resident Evil 4 on the iPad. He’s really into it, but I wanted to see how closely it followed the real Resident Evil 4. Since he wasn’t that far into the game, I couldn’t really tell how much it differed from the console version. That’s why I decided to bring down Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition to the beach house. What better way to compare the two games than to let him play the real deal on the Wii?!

Little did I know that my other cousin’s two kids haven’t played Resident Evil 4 either. They actually haven’t played any Resident Evil games at all! I’m not too sure they’d be interested in what Resident Evil 1, 2, Nemesis and Code Veronica have to offer, but Resident Evil 4 is certainly more in line with their gaming tastes with today’s titles. Surely enough, all three of them were getting into the game and having a great time with it. All while being a little scared, of course!

We’ll have to see if they make it through the entire game by the end of the week. A handful of hours put in each night is surely enough time to polish the game off, but I don’t know if they’ll have the skill to get the job done! Hopefully between the three of them they can handle it. I know that I’m anxious to see how it goes!