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*RUMOR* Bizarre Creations working on Revo game?

by rawmeatcowboy
30 March 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

These bits of info have been popping up over at Bizarre Creation’s (Project Gotham Racing, Geometry Wars) website. A few people are guessing that Bizarre Creations is working on a Revolution title, Falafelkid included. In my opinion, if Falafelkid sees some possibilities in the rumor, then it is good enough for me! Check out a few of the entires from Bizarre Creation’s website below.

What’s next from Bizarre Creations? Remember kids, Bizarre Creations ain’t just a racing game company! We have fingers in other pies as well… and PGR3 isn’t the only thing coming to next-generation consoles from our studios. Watch this space for details!

As a result of excessive leaning whilst play-testing Bizarre Creation’s as-of-yet-unannounced project, Nick Davies (Design Manager) has incurred a really gross gaming injury. In fact, it’s so gross that he thought it would be a good idea to share it with the world at large… (picture involved with this story has gone missing)

Now they are showing off this mystery piece of paper, damned if I know what it means.


You guys are great at figuring out this kind of stuff, I am interested to see what you come up with!

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