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Super Swing Golf 2 interview (no online yet again)

by rawmeatcowboy
06 July 2007
GN 1.0 / 2.0

A portion of a 1up interview with game director Kohei Shibata…

1UP: What was the general response to the first game? What were the primary criticisms, and what sort of things do you plan to adjust for the sequel?

Kohei Shibata: Users complimented us for the highly strategic course designs, the realistic swinging action, the new Wii Remote control scheme, and how the game provided both a casual party game experience and a realistic golf experience.

Super Swing Golf Season 2 will be even more user-friendly. It’s going to be the type of game anyone can play without reading a user manual. [The] difficulty level is set up to allow every level of player to fully enjoy the game. Also, the tempo of the gameplay will be much faster, with the ability to skip through certain parts during CPU vs. Player rounds and faster loading times. The data save system will also be improved with the ability to save for multiple players.

1UP: What all-new elements do you plan to introduce to this new chapter of SSG?

KS: We’re working hard to beef up the party mode features. Before, it was only the Balloon Pop game, but this time there will be other party mode games like Golf Dart, Longest Drive, Nearest to Pin, and more. And a tour mode will be added to enhance the single-player experience; [you play it] by moving characters on the map. Every time you win a tournament, a new route will open up. This mode will motivate the player to keep on playing the tournament. For example, if you can reach an item box on the map, you’ll be able to pick up new costumes, clubs, and other items.

There is no wrong way to play the tour mode. You can try to get to the end as quickly as possible, take detours to play in challenging tournaments, pick up all the items along the way, choose your own route, or find hidden routes. There are a total of eight new maps of varying difficulty levels with different starting points and goals. Having all these options allows gamers of every level — from beginners to advanced players — to enjoy this mode.

: Do you plan — or has Nintendo even shared the programming tools necessary — to include online play?

KS: There will be no online play for this game. We’re focusing on the new party mode and tour mode to enhance the play experience.

1UP: Will you implement Miis into the game?


Full interview and more screens here