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Rumor - Animal Crossing character as Brawl fighter?

by rawmeatcowboy
26 September 2007
GN 1.0 / 2.0


Consider this 100% fake. All the info proving so is in our comments section.

I’ve been holding onto this rumor for a few days, and now that some (fuzzy) captures have popped up, I thought I would go ahead with it. Rumor has it that an Animal Crossing character will be a playable fighter in Brawl. I’m not talking about the mayor or any other familiar faces, just a generic Animal Crossing character…just like the one you play as in AC on the Cube or DS. Continuing on with the rumor, you should expect to use the axe, fishing rod, and more everyday AC items as your weapons.

If anyone at all can read Japanese, and manage to read/translate some of the info above, please leave it in the comments section. Thanks to Tuppyluver95 for the heads up, and for being so patient while I waited to post this!
