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Early Japanese software/hardware sales - last week

by rawmeatcowboy
15 November 2007
GN 1.0 / 2.0

DSL 82000
PS3 56000
PSP 55000
Wii 35000
PS2 9400
360 7000

1.Mario Party DS 242000
2.Musou PS3 176000
3.Super Mario Galaxy 78000 (335000)
4.Musou360 27000
5.Final Fantasy Tactics A2 24000 (235000)
6.Castlevania PSP 20000
7.Wii Sports 18000 (2091000)
8.西村サス 16000(112000)
9.Wii Play 15000 (1648000)
10.Mario Kart DS 13000 (2528000)

These are early numbers, but I think this is the week where we start to get worried.
