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BIGresearch poll results shows boys/girls want Wii for the holiday season

by rawmeatcowboy
17 November 2007
GN 1.0 / 2.0

The results of a BIGresearch poll that asked 7,982 U.S. consumers what toys/gadgets topped their childrens’ wishlists.


1. Barbie

2. Bratz

3. Dolls (generic)

4. Dora the Explorer

5. Disney Princess

6. Disney Hannah Montana

7. Nintendo Wii

8. Webkinz

9. Elmo

10. American Girl


1. Transformers

2. Video Games

3. Nintendo Wii

4. Cars (generic)

5. Spider-Man

6. LEGOs

7. Thomas the Tank Engine

8. Xbox 360

9. Elmo

10. Remote Controlled Vehicles
