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Surfergirl - Spore Wii, DS talk

by rawmeatcowboy
22 November 2007
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Surfergirl’s rumors have been popping up confirmed lately, so off we go with some new ones. These are concerning Spore Wii and DS. Both versions of the game are 100% confirmed already, but Surfergirl has a bit more to say about the titles.

Also coming next fall is the Wii version of Spore from EA Montreal, which be the first home console version of the title to see release. The Wii version feature an online mode for content sharing akin to that found in the original version and the possibility of online gameplay for the Wii version is being looked into. The DS version of Spore (which Jenova Chen was working on prior to joining thatgamecompany), seeing release alongside the original version in April, will support the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for gameplay.
