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Senators looking to make special ESRB rules for Wii games

by rawmeatcowboy
22 November 2007
GN 1.0 / 2.0

A portion of a letter sent to the ESRB, penned by Senators Hillary Clinton, Joe Lieberman, Evan Bayh, and Sam Brownback…

“That system permits children to act out each of the many graphic torture scenes and murders in Manhunt 2 rather than simply manipulating a game pad. This led one clinical psychologist to state that the realistic motions used with the Wii mean that ‘you’re basically teaching a child the behavioral sequencing of killing.’ While this was not cited as the reason for the BBFC decision, we do believe that the ESRB should take the Wii remote controller, and future advances in game controllers, which create more realistic gaming environments, into consideration.”

What do you guys think? Should Wii games be held to different ESRB standards because of the motion sensing capabilities?
