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Cooking Mama series sells over 2 million worldwide

by rawmeatcowboy
11 January 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

A portion of a Gamasutra interview with Taito’s U.S. representative Keiji Fujita…

GS: How important are franchises like Cooking Mama to Taito? It seems like the biggest hit Taito has had in a while, even though it’s a very small game.

KF: Exactly. Actually, Cooking Mama was awarded as IGN’s Best of E3 last year, and 700,000 copies have been sold already in the U.S. market, with another 500,000 copies in Europe.

GS: How much in Japan?

KF: Almost a million, actually. It’s kind of a blockbuster game for us, after more than ten years of silence.

That would be just the sales of the original Cooking Mama. Add in the Wii and Cooking Mama 2 on DS, and the franchise has broken the 2 million barrier. Click over for the full interview, which talks a lot about DS titles. Space Invaders Extreme and Arkanoid are mentioned, but not a word of an NA release.
