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Wii Fit - under $100 / Balance Board - over 10 games in development

by rawmeatcowboy
20 February 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

A portion of an IGN interview with Reggie Fils-Aime…

IGN: Under $100 for another peripheral is still a chunk of cash to shell out. Do you have anything in line that will make further use of the Wii Balance Board?

Reggie Fils-Aime: I think what you’re speaking to is, from a consumer perspective, help me feel good about this purchase. There are over 10 games in development that take advantage of the Balance Board. Certainly in terms of ongoing enjoyment, we believe that Wii Fit plus the Balance Board will provide that to the consumer.

Reggie also states that Wii Fit should be under $100 when it hits NA. Click here for the full interview.