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Free Wii game with purchase of Wii at Australian Toys R Us

by rawmeatcowboy
10 July 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

map3 jj01

Gameworld is reporting that they have contacted no less than 3 Toys R’ Us stores in Australia to confirm this story, and they all reported back with the same information. The Australian Toys R’ Us chains are taking Wii reserves for $250, but this will include a free game. What game will come along with the Wii is unknown, but many speculate Wii Sports since it shows off the Wiimote use in so many ways.

Keep in mind, this price and package are only confirmed for Toys R’ Us stores in Australia, there has been no confirmation of any other pricepoints/packages anywhere else.

Clarification - You only need to put down $50 AUD to reserve a Wii, and Toys R’ Us is not quoting an exact price yet…this is an estimate. Thanks to Ash for the heads up!

This story was posted for confirmation purposes only. This news has been posted in pieces within past stories.