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The missing (or very well hidden) songs of Brawl

by rawmeatcowboy
14 March 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

There is a ton of music in Brawl, and I am nowhere near unlocking all of it. I put my time into Brawl whenever I can, but unlocking every last bit of extras is going to take a long time. I was just browsing through one of the Brawl threads over at NeoGAF, and it seems that there may be some music in Brawl that I will never be able to unlock. There is a bit of debate as to whether the tracks linked below are hidden deep within Brawl, or never actually made it into the final game. They do come straight from the Brawl disc, but there appear to be a few that went unused.

I am sure there are a bunch of you that have been hunting through this list already, but I wanted to bring it to everyones’ attention. If you have managed to unlock one of the songs at the link below, please leave a comment! For instance, it seems that the Melee 2 track does indeed appear in Brawl.

Songs here