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Rising Star Games Announces Ecolis - Save the Forest

by rawmeatcowboy
03 April 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0


Luton – April 3rd 2008 - Rising Star Games today announces Ecolis – Save the Forest for Nintendo DS and available from Friday, May 30th 2008.

Deforestation, pollution, global warming and industrialisation of wildlife’s natural habitats are all subjects featured in print, online and broadcast news every day. They are also the core theme to Rising Star Games’ latest release, Ecolis - Save the Forest, a real-time strategy (RTS) game for Nintendo DS. Promoting awareness of environmental perils, Ecolis – Save the Forest proactively tasks the player with defending the Ecolis world against them! The game is also unique in that it manages to weave meaningful issues into a fun video game experience which makes the player champion the environment.

In Ecolis – Save the Forest, the player uses the Touch Screen to control units of woodland creatures named Ecolis, Ecoby and Ecomon which will protect the naturally beautiful Mana Woods, the centre of the Ecolis world, and recover the polluted land. All the different creature types have unique skills which must be strategically managed. With proper nurturing, they can evolve to learn new abilities which can help the player complete the game’s more than 40 environmental missions. As players grow their woodland army they must also plant new trees to prevent deforestation and revitalise the woodlands.

Additionally, Ecolis - Save the Forest includes a creative Land Make feature which lets players build and play their own maps. This eco-friendly RTS also supports two-player play via the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and for up to four players via single card download play or ad-hoc multi-card play. The game also features endearing creatures, resource management, magic and level creation.
