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Wii software/hardare - first 18 months: Wii has highest sales of any platform

by rawmeatcowboy
21 May 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0


Wii - 50 million (not including Wii Sports or VC titles)

X360 - 28 million
PS3 - 20 million
PS2 - 42 million


Wii - 9.5 million
X360 - 5.2 million
PS3 - 4.2 million
PS2 - 8.5 million

Wow, the Wii absolutely smashed the other consoles in software sales for the first 18 months of being on-sale. The Wii even beat the almighty PS2 in total hardware sales over 18 months. I knew the Wii was huge, but it’s even bigger than I thought! Thanks to Rhonin the Wizard for the heads up!
