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Slash - games make kids into zombies...but Guitar Hero is different

by rawmeatcowboy
27 May 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

“The thing about video games is that they do promote this sort of lethargy in kids. They turn into gaming zombies. So I understand the concern that people who play Guitar Hero would never pick up a real guitar. But I think it’s the opposite effect. (learning real guitar) It takes some work, and maybe it’s not quite as exciting or instantly gratifying. But what turned me on to guitar when I was kid was that all you have to do is play that one chord that hits you straight in the heart. And that’s pretty simple to do. Plus, kids are being exposed to all this killer rock and roll that’s programmed into the game that they would not otherwise hear.”

So…let me get this straight. Slash is playing into gaming stereotypes, while exonerating Guitar Hero from those claims. Just wanted to get that clear.
