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Man, we are hungry for Wario Land Shake news

by rawmeatcowboy
28 May 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

I know that I’m very excited for Wario Land Shake, and I hope you are too. A return to the Wario Land games will be very nice. Let’s just hope that it retains some of the feeling from the classic series.

There hasn’t been any concrete info released just yet, but a Japanese blog has presented this info. You can see two machine translations of the Japanese below. Make of it what you will.

Release title this summer’s main target is children Sono Susumu title is head of 7 / 24 Wii “WARIORANDOSHEIKU”
久しぶりに、見て、触って、楽しいド派手なアクションゲームでした。 A long time, look, feel and flashy action-fun game.
リモコンをシェイクしたり傾けたりすると何かが起きるんです。 Sheikh and listen to the remote control or something happens to me.
そしてワリオらしい動き、土管への入り方は思わずニヤリとしてしまいました。 And WARIORASHII movement, who entered the clay pipe to be amazed and grinning.

As for the head title 7/24Wii “[wariorandoshieiku]”
After a long time, seeing, touching, it was the pleasant [do] lively action game.
It shakes remote control and/or it can tilt something occurs it is.
And method of entering to the movement and the earth tube which [wario] seem made [niyari] unintentionally.
