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Orb information

by rawmeatcowboy
12 August 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

The team over at Crossbeam Studios sent a FAQ sheet my way with some updated information concerning Orb. Hopefully there is some new info you guys will enjoy hearing. I can’t wait to see how this extremely ambitious project turns out. A few bullet points of info…


Orb is still in development for the Wii, and a number of publishers are interested…none can be named at this time.

The storyline remains the same as when we first reported months ago, but some new details have popped up. Each of the 3 main characters have their own storyline arc, making for 3 distinctly different stories. These stories can only be experienced by playing through the game as each character. The only way to get the entire story of Orb will be to play through as each character, making for a ton of replay value!

Gameplay elements include, but are not limited to exploration, interaction, fighting, magic, and creation. The interaction and fighting aspects are directly related to the Wiimote, taking advantage of it’s unique features to complete tasks in a more realistic manner.

Orb will be packed with many extras, such as tons of mini-games, side quests, and bonus features for those who complete certain tasks.

Sounds like Orb will have a little bit of everything to pull in interest from all gamers. As always, we will keep you up to date on any more info that comes out on the game.