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IGN Wii-k in review podcast info

by rawmeatcowboy
12 August 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

A few people have emailed me concerning IGN’s latest podcast, since it has some big Wii info in it. Here is a rundown of the info that is talked about.

Metroid Prime 3 may not make Wii launch, due to either time constraints, or a marketing decision.

*I have heard that this info that was given to me was false. Just this one part, the rest is included in the podcast* Super Paper Mario may not be heading to the Cube anymore. According to Matt Casamassina, we will be seeing SPM pop up on the Wii.

At the upcoming LGC, we will see games from the 360 and PS3 that are being adapted for the Wii.

THQ has 6-8 Wii games in the works.

Dragon Quest will not be heading to the Wii during launch, but Excite Truck has been confirmed as a launch title.

LucasArts is indeed working on a light saber game for the Wii…according to IGN.

There you have it, some pretty good info coming out of that podcast!

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