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Eidos opens Tomb Raider Portal - latest news, art, and announcements to be featured - game due out in November

by rawmeatcowboy
20 June 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Eidos Interactive has officially launched the new Tomb Raider Portal - a destination for fans of the series to find the latest news, art, and announcements.

Developed by Crystal Dynamics, this entry marks the first Tomb Raider title built specifically for next generation consoles, bringing Lara Croft and her world into life-like detail.

Tomb Raider: Underworld represents an advancement in exploration-based gameplay, delivering an epic adventure that offers a new level of challenge and choice. Using every weapon in her arsenal – from her signature dual guns and expanded kit of archaeological tools to her own physical prowess and the environment itself – Lara leads a quest that circles the world to uncover the secrets of the Norse underworld and a forgotten power, that if, unleashed could lay waste to all civilization.

Visit the Tomb Raider Portal and uncover all the latest Tomb Raider: Underworld news, screenshots, information and much more from the world of Lara Croft including podcasts and a chance to win some awesome prizes. Register or update your profile today!

Tomb Raider: Underworld launches November 2008 for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PS2 and PC platforms.
