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Infinity Ward working on new game, but won't give details

by rawmeatcowboy
07 July 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

“We’re excited to announce that in the recent months we have decided to reup on our contract with Activision publishing. The recently renegotiated deal may not seem like much of an impact from the outside perspective, but it has laid the ground work and kick started our future project, as well as the possibility of a unique new IP by Infinity Ward, that we’ll have complete control over. We’re excited to be working on our next project, but it’s going to be quite a while before I can share any details on exactly what that project is.” - Infinity Ward company blog

There are only rumors floating around as to what Infinity Ward is working on. The company has not mentioned a title, platform, genre, or anything like that…so all is fair game for now.
