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EA - We should have bet on Wii

by rawmeatcowboy
28 July 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

“One thing that’s different is we typically figured out who the market leader was going to be before the start of the cycle and bet with our development resources on that platform. We made the wrong call there [by betting on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360], which made this transition harder than it would otherwise be. But now we’re catching up, and I think we’re fine. We’ve got some incredibly innovative Wii titles, [and] incredibly innovative DS titles coming. And so I think that issue’s sort of behind us. …Can I make a big step in that direction (matching Wii, DS software sales to 360 and PS3) this year? Yes. Can I continue to make steps in that pattern? Yes. Does Nintendo want us to do it? Yes. Does the platform set itself up for that to be possible? Yes. So, it requires focus.”- Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello

Check out Mr. Riccitiello’s full comments here