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Inazuma Eleven - more details

by rawmeatcowboy
22 August 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

- game begins with animated cut scene
- cut scene description: Main character asks the soccer club to come practice with him, but they won’t. The main character heads off on his own, and ends up bumping into a rugy team. This kicks off your first objective
- random battles (score a goal, get the ball, and more objectives)
- gain experience points, use money to train and get health
- soccer gameplay is all touch screen
- use stylus to draw routes, pass, and shoot
- when you approach an opponent with the ball, the game pauses and gives you 3 different moves to choose from. You can also set up defense/offense for your team.
- once selections are made, a cutscene with the two players pops up. You find out who wins the battle, and the game moves on.
- when you fail an attack, you cannot move for a limited amount of time.
- tap screen to shoot (3 choices: shoot, special, lob)
