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Peter Moore Talks Game Piracy

by rawmeatcowboy
25 August 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0


Just a lil’ photoshop I threw together because of the slow news. Hit me up with tips people or else you leave me to my devices!

The EA Sports prez had this to say recently at Leipzig:

“I’m not a huge fan of trying to punish your consumer. Albeit these people have clearly stolen intellectual property, I think there are better ways of resolving this within our power as developers and publishers.

“Yes, we’ve got to find solutions. We absolutely should crack down on piracy. People put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into their content and deserve to get paid for it. It’s absolutely wrong, it is stealing.

“But at the same time I think there are better solutions than chasing people for money. I’m not sure what they are, other than to build game experiences that make it more difficult for there to be any value in pirating games.”

Link (Thanks q w!)