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EGM rumors - Star Wars MotionPlus game in the works

by rawmeatcowboy
26 August 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

A snippet from 1up/EGM’s rumor section…

Remember earlier this summer when LucasArts finally announced Star Wars: The Clone Wars — Lightsaber Duels, the lightsaber-wielding Wii game that everyone had been waiting for? And then not a month later, when Nintendo announced WiiMotion Plus during E3? Well, apparently LucasArts hadn’t heard anything about this new technology, so Lightsaber Duels will not be implementing it. The understandably ticked-off publisher is already in talks about another Wii lightsaber game that will use MotionPlus for sometime next year, according to our sources.

You know what part about that rumor I find funny? LucasArts is mad at Nintendo for leaving them out of the MotionPlus announcement, but they are quick to jump on making another game.
