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Why the Xbox 360 will outsell the Wii

by rawmeatcowboy
09 September 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Bruce Everiss, game industry vet, thinks that the Wii is going to outsell the 360. Now, now…no need to laugh just yet. Why don’t we take a look at some of the arguments that Mr. Everiss makes.

The Wii is for many people little more than a glorified toy. It is just a box for playing Wii Sports or Wii Fit. If these people want proper gaming they will buy a 360.

It’s almost like a fanboy comment! But wait, this is my personal favorite…

Comparing the two machines side by side (360 and Wii) is like looking ar a Ferrari next to a bicycle.

Okay, now you are free to laugh. Click here for the full article.
