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RUMORS galore -More Mega Man 9 details, Capcom shelved 2 Mega Man Wii projects, big VC title coming on the 22nd, and more

by rawmeatcowboy
10 September 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

I am keeping this to pure information, but you can get a heaping helping of opinion if you follow the link.

- downloadable content for all three versions
- access DLC via the boss selection screen (icon in bottom right-hand corner)
- once again, the release date looks to be the 22nd
- release may be delayed, due to a big VC title on the way
- DLC goodies: Buster Shot modifications (different types of shots), Shooting Star Rockman costume (Japan only), Remixed Music, various title screens, playable Protoman, new Auto conversations
- DLC may/may not be free
- DLC for a year
- Wii exclusive in Japan
- Mega Man 9 started out as a new series, but that changed
- two other Mega Man titles were being worked on for Wii, but have been put on hold, or shelved indefinitely
- PSN, XBLA versions are ports of WiiWare version

If you are interested in some info that skews more towards opinion, click here