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New product - XCM HDMI Blaster

by rawmeatcowboy
21 September 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0


Finally an HDMI converter for older (hdmi-less) consoles that brings the analog signal into the digital age. Convert your old analog signal to the new High Definition standard signal (HDMI).

* COMPATIBLE WITH: Wii, PS2, XBOX, Gamecube, PSP SLim and more. Works with any component (YbPbR) signal (ie: DVD PLayer, DVB, Cable Box, Satellige receiver, etc)
* Experience the brilliant, colorful and sharp video output on your HTDV.
* Supports: any device with VGA output (input resolution for VGA is 800*600, 1024*768)
* Works on: any HDTV or Monitor with HDMI or DVI input.
* Automatic power supply management: When there is no inout signal, power supply will terminate automatically to save power.
