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LostWinds Blows into Japan with Square Enix

by rawmeatcowboy
19 November 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

19th November 2008 - Cambridge, UK - Frontier Developments, one of Europe’s leading independent game developers, is delighted to announce a partnership with Square Enix to publish Frontier’s critically-acclaimed WiiWareTM title LostWindsTM in Japan and Asia.

“Square Enix is a very successful, development-led organization with a total commitment to quality,” said David Braben, Frontier’s Chairman and founder. “Frontier shares those same core ideals and we are very pleased to be doing business together. Square Enix’s strength in Japan will give LostWinds the chance to shine there, as it has done elsewhere.”

LostWinds topped the WiiWare charts in both the US and Europe upon launch of the new distribution system in May 2008. The game also gathered a host of high scoring reviews praising its deep, explorative gameplay and beautiful art style.

LostWinds picked up Develop Magazine’s ‘Best New IP’ award in July 2008, a prestigious accolade voted on by Frontier’s games industry peers.

LostWinds is an enchanting adventure bursting with new gameplay ideas that embrace the innovative controller of the WiiTM - it puts “the power of the wind in the palm of your hand”.
