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Miyamoto talks about casual/core crowds, and his wife besting him at Dr. Mario

by rawmeatcowboy
20 November 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

“I think it’s a natural transition. Everyone starts off as a light user but at some point many of them become hardcore gamers. My wife bought Brain Training about three years ago. In More Brain Training, you know how there is the Dr. Mario game? She became absolutely hooked and today she is much better than I am!” - Miyamoto

Miyamoto also took a moment to throw in his two cents when it comes to the casual vs. core game debate.

“When I hear that kind of discussion, I wonder if there really is such a distinction. There are many hardcore gamers playing with casual games and I believe casual gamers do get into hardcore Nintendo games too. I think one of Nintendo’s missions is to destroy the barrier between the two and I believe Wii Music contributes that.” - Miyamoto
