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Yes, you really can find Wiis in stores

by rawmeatcowboy
20 November 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

It’s an amazing time to be alive! After two years of the Wii being on the market, we can finally walk into a store and grab a Wii. GameStop has them, Target has them…Walmart has them too! Finally, and end to that ridiculous drought! Or is it…?

Nintendo ramped up stock for the holiday season. They wanted to sell as many Wii units as they could. The thing is, when the holiday season is over, the mad Wii supply rush will end too. According to GameStop, they are hoping to have enough to last through the end of the holiday season. After that, it’s back to hunting down a Wii. Keep your fingers crossed…maybe this surplus will help ease us away from a Spring/Summer drought.
