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IGN Revolution Podcast

by rawmeatcowboy
27 January 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

I heard about this earlier in the day, and a few people emailed me about its existence, but MetalDave9999 has listened in and told me some interesting news. To quote MetalDave9999…

I just listened to it again to make sure and the developers told Matt not to worry and that the game they were working on was going to look “FABULOUS AND GORGEOUS AND YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT.” He said that these people were “close” to Retro Studios, so this could very well been Metroid Prime 3. Awesome!

MetalDave9999 has gotten me to download the show and give it a listen, regardless of my opinions on some of IGN’s staff. I’ll have a listen to see if anything else interesting was said. Click the link below to head to the Revo podcast page over on IGN.

IGN Revolution Podcast