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Confirmed - Tommy Tallarico working on Sonic and the Black Knight, wants to work on Mario

by rawmeatcowboy
02 December 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

“I’ve always loved the Sonic franchise, and just a couple of months ago Sega Japan contacted me to write three songs for the new Sonic game. It was kind of an honour to be contacted by those folks. A lot of my dreams have come true - I worked on the Pacman franchise, I worked on the Bond franchise. These were all things I loved when I was growing up. The one I haven’t done yet is Mario.” - Tommy Tallarico

Say what you will about Mr. Tallarico. I have gotten to know him very well these past couple of years, and he is without a doubt one of the nicest men I have met in the industry. On top of that, I’ve always loved his music! The soundtrack to Sonic Unleashed is actually really damn good…so Mr. Tallarico has his work cut out for him with Sonic and the Black Knight. As for the Mario franchise…I wonder if his dream could ever come true!
