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Chibi-Robo devs say Art Style: Cubello was originally a first person shooter

by rawmeatcowboy
09 December 2008
GN 1.0 / 2.0

“Originally we were planning to develop a first person shooting game. After so many levels of test to investigate the fun, not only being ‘just shoot ‘em all’, we ended up including some elements of puzzle games. Using motives from megalithic cultures of Maya and Incan cultures we expressed a mysterious floating object. Eventually, it turned out to be a game that people without first person shooter experience can enjoy.” - Hiroaki Ishibashi, Director at Skip

You can definitely see how Cubello was once an FPS. Some of the core mechanics are still in place. I am glad that Skip decided to go the route they did with Cubello. I just can’t see them developing an FPS!
