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Could Opera's new SDK pave the way for better browsing on Wii?

by rawmeatcowboy
07 January 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Opera has thrown a little more love at device developers by announcing an updated version of its software development kit on Wednesday at CES. While in a broad sense, the SDK will be available to all developers of consumer electronics that use Opera’s browser to access the Internet, most of us will see the fruits of Opera Device SDK 9.7 on the Opera-powered Wii Internet Channel. - CNET CES coverage

Awhile back, we posted up a rumor of possible Wii browser updates that were due to hit by the end of last year. That didn’t happen, and we are still stuck with the same browser. With this new SDK announced, perhaps we actually will see some updates to the browser. With PS3 web browsing ahead of Wii, I’m sure some usability updates will get a few more people interested. Thanks to BoyRobber for the heads up!
