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IGN Nintendo Voice Chat podcast summary - third party online game that doesn't use friend codes, publisher for 'dark game' couldn't be found

by rawmeatcowboy
12 January 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

- no idea if Ubisoft will make a new non-rabbids Rayman
- new traditional Pokemon on DS isn’t out of the question, but no info coming from Nintendo
- MadWorld hands-on coming soon
- Matt Casamassina has tried contacting Factor 5, but has not heard back. IGN speculation: Nintendo may be interested in making Factor 5 internal
- Matt fully expects to hear news of Mario and Zelda at this year’s E3
- IGN speculation: if Nintendo goes in the direction of Super Mario Galaxy 2, a 2009 release may not be out of the question
- some devs not too happy about WiiWare sales
- Matt can’t say which title (though it’s already been announced), but a third party which has a major online game on the way are not going to use friend codes
- The dark game that IGN constantly talked about will be shown next week, but it’s not really in development anymore. A publisher couldn’t be found

Full summary here