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THQ misses target, but sees success with Wii/DS titles - reconfirmed plans for more de Blob, Drawn to Life, Big Beach Sports

by rawmeatcowboy
04 February 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Here’s some snippets from the THQ fiscal report we posted one story below…

- Future plans: building strong casual game franchises like de Blob, Drawn to Life and Big Beach Sports

- de Blob achieved a Metacritic rating of 81 and shipped approximately 700,000 units to date

- Big Beach Sports shipped more than 1.2 million units to date

“Established franchises like Saints Row and WWE SmackDown vs. Raw, as well as new franchises such as de Blob and Big Beach Sports for the Nintendo Wii, give us confidence in our strategy going forward.” - THQ statement