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Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers/Ring of Fates talk

by rawmeatcowboy
25 October 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

This is what I was talking about the other day. Sometimes tons of Nintendo info from GameSpot…other days nothing. Today just one story so far…and it was tucked away in a PS2 article. GameSpot sat down with Akitoshi Kawazu, who is the executive producer on both the Wii and DS projects.

GS: Can you tell us a little about the DS and the Wii Final Fantasy Chronicles projects?

AK: We’ll have a release coming out for the Crystal Chronicles for the Wii soon, but in the mean time, of course Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GameCube was kind of an experiment in multi-player gaming for the Final Fantasy series and the version of the game we’re working on for the Wii is again looking to provide a game experience that we haven’t been able to in the past in the series, something approaching a real-time kind of gaming.
