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GoNintendo exclusive - Brand-new game trailer being posted in tonight's 'End of day' thoughts

by rawmeatcowboy
26 February 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

I rarely ever get to tease you guys with a nice bit of information, but we have something awesome planned for you in a few hours. I’ll be posting it up as my ‘End of day’ thought. What is it, you ask? Well, this is all I will tell you for now…

- it’s a trailer for a yet-to-be-released game
- this is an exclusive reveal - this trailer has not been released to anyone else
- the game in question was was mentioned in Nintendo’s press release that hit early this morning

Before you start getting all crazy, let me bring down the excitement a bit. This is not a trailer for a first-party game. Sorry, but Nintendo doesn’t like us that much! It’s definitely a third-party outing. With that, enjoy your speculation! I’ll see you in a few hours with more updates, and then the ‘End of day’ thoughts reveal.