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Namco Bandai brings The Munchables to Wii

by rawmeatcowboy
03 March 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0


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Leading video games publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc., today announced The Munchables an entertaining romp into a colorful and delicious action adventure for Wii. Exploring rich and vibrant environments, players will devour delectable enemies as they guide their quirky heroes in this zany alien munching mash-up filled with fun and addictive gameplay. The Munchables will chomp its way to stores this May.

“NAMCO BANDAI Games is thrilled to provide such a fun and exciting addition to the vast library of quality Wii titles,” said Todd Thorson, director of marketing and public relations for NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. “With colorful characters and eye-popping worlds, The Munchables will delight players of all ages.”

The home planet of the hungry Munchables is at stake when it is invaded by the evil Don Onion and his vicious band of space pirates. As their lively planet has been usurped, the embattled Munchables have only one hope; to devour their food enemies to grow large enough to defeat Don Onion and inevitably return peace to their captive land.

In The Munchables, players are called upon to eat and defeat over 150 insidious enemies who have taken over the planet including Eggplanter, Space Shroom and Rice Baller. With each fallen foe, the daring omnivorous Munchables grow in size and power in their brave struggle. In this tantalizingly addictive game, players can also enjoy Mirror Mode, where stages are in reverse order and they must beat the clock in order to save the world. Eating your way to take on Don Onion and his delicious minions, The Munchables will leave you hungry for more!