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IGN Voice Chat podcast summary

by rawmeatcowboy
04 March 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Sonic and the Black Knight

- People have been complaining about the review, saying IGN is biased, etc.
- Not so hot - 3.9
- Matt says he gives bad Sonic games bad scores
- When you stop you realize how bad the controls are

We Ski and Snowboard

- Very mediocre game
- Pretty much the same game as last year, looked like the same game
- Added the ability to snowboard but have the same controls as skiing

A Boy and His Blob

- Very pretty
- Knew about it for a little more than a month
- Still a little early
- All 2D

Wii MotionPlus

- Matt heard that Nintendo is apparently struggling internally with Wii MotionPlus
- Trying to figure out a few hiccups, were going to delay it past June
- EA won’t have to hold onto their game for MotionPlus

Full Summary Here