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IGN Wii-k in review info

by rawmeatcowboy
28 October 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

I just got finished listening to the latest IGN Wii-k in review podcast, and there wasn’t much in the way of new info…but there were a few interesting topics. I will give you guys a list of the important info (at least what I thought was important!) from the show.

IGN’s lights that they set up during filming freaked out the Wii sensor bar, but their normal flourescent lighting has no effect. So if you plan on shooting movies using stage lights while you play the Wii, it may not work out.

Matt makes a comment that while he (and the other podcast members) enjoy the speaker in the Wiimote, it has the sound quality of a “hallmark card”

Apparently there is a big bit of Zelda news that we don’t know about, but IGN does and is not allowed to say. At least from what I gathered, it sounds like the info is Zelda related…but I am not sure. Anytime Bozon says anything, it is bleeped out. Right after Bozon says, “there is an area in…” he is bleeped out. After the bleep, Peer starts up with more Zelda talk, leading me to believe that the info was Zelda related. All my own opinion of course, but you can have a listen and see what you think. It starts around the 56 minute mark.

Some Virtual Console titles will be announced at IGN next week, as well as pricing. They say that Sega fans should be very happy with the news next week.

Anything else they discuss can be found in the IGN Weekly video we linked to below.

Download the show here