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RUMOR - Sega to announce new Wii project soon?

by rawmeatcowboy
30 October 2006
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Reader TeaTom had a very nice catch while reading our recent post on Sonic and the Secret Rings. He noticed this bit in the Babelfish translations from the Jeux-France page

It should be noted that according to our sources, Sega should reveal a new play soon “that everyone waits” on Nintendo Wii.

logo ssega 01

Start your speculation! Nights, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, Toe Jam & Earl, who knows what it is. I am REALLY pulling for a new Streets of Rage or Ristar…except many people don’t want a new Ristar! Also, keep in mind that IGN told us to expect some Sega news on their site this week.