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G.I. Joe: The Game DS - details

by rawmeatcowboy
31 March 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

- top-down shooter
- slight RPG elements
- six playable Joes and five Cobras
- move with D-pad, shoot with B, secondary weapon on Y, dodge with A, melee with X, special move for triggers
- action on top screen
- map/objectives on bottom screen
- no touch support
- 21 single player levels
- three multiplayer modes: Joe Versus Cobra, Warhead and Defend the Base
- multiplayer will be mult-card local wireless
- 4 maps for 4 players

“The game will share some fundamental designs with the console version. In the DS version you only control one character, there’s a slight RPG element — you can level up, get new weapons and new outfits.” - Nick Pavlich, associate producer
