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Codemasters bringing F1 2009 to Wii

by rawmeatcowboy
23 April 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

- due out this Autumn in Europe
- seems like the PSP/Wii version will be closely related
- first to feature world champion Lewis Hamilto
- includes all of this year’s cars, teams and tracks (Singapore night race, Valencia Marina Bay circuit, Abu Dhabi season finale and more)
- includes KERS, slick tyres and the new aerodynamic regulations

“Codemasters has a great heritage when it comes to racing games and their reputation is second to none. We’re working very closely together on the upcoming Formula 1 titles and are very impressed with what we have seen.” - F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone

“F1 computer games and circuit simulations can be invaluable for racing drivers so it’s great news that our fans will also be able to experience the BGP 001 through this game.” - Formula 1 world championship leader Jenson Button
