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High Voltage won't say no to Conduit port, won't deny that something is being discussed for DS

by rawmeatcowboy
08 May 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

A portion of a C3 interview with High Voltage’s David Pellas…

C3: If The Conduit becomes popular enough, the obvious question has to be will there be further Wii editions? It would be a huge waste to leave such a quality-looking engine! Would it be tempting to squeeze more sales out by porting to other formats eventually?

DP: Trick questions! Seriously, though, we love working on the Wii and we are very proud of The Conduit. However, we are just getting started. Already, we have some amazing new technology and we are looking to exploit that tech in our next round of original games. Right now though, we just want to concentrate on getting our game into the hands of the gamers.

As to porting the game to the other platforms, I wouldn’t say it would be impossible but it would be very difficult. We built our Quantum3 technology and gameplay around the Wii hardware. Graphics aside, there are things that the Wii can do that the other consoles simply can’t. So I won’t say no to a port, but I will say that it would not be as simple as you may think. We are a very diverse company and our technology never sits idle…who knows what the future will bring.

JB: How about the Nintendo DS? Do you think your team could viably create a version of The Conduit onto the portable, making good use of the touch-screen controls?

DP: I won’t deny that is something being discussed, but we have no plans for a DS version of The Conduit at this time.

Full interview here