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N-Zone - review scores

by rawmeatcowboy
09 May 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

ES - single player
MS - multiplayer

- Little King’s Story - 86%
- Geheimakte 2 (Secret Files 2) - 83%
- Rockband 2 - ES: 88% MS: 93%
- Guitar Hero: Metallica - ES: 87% MS: 90%
- Excitebots: Trickracing (US) - ES: 83% MS: 80%
- The King of Fighters: TOS - ES: 72% MS: 78%
- Samurai Showdown - ES: 75% MS: 76%
- Marbles! Balance Challenge - ES: 81% MS: 77%
- Monsters vs. Aliens - ES: 73% MS: 73%
- Vertigo - ES: 60% MS: 60%

Thanks to Valoo for the heads up!
