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Lisa Kudrow commercial pushes March 2009 sales for Professor Layton above launch month sales

by rawmeatcowboy
12 May 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

“In March, Nintendo ran a series of commercials with Lisa Kudrow to promote Professor Layton. The results? Sales in March 2009 surpassed first month sales back in February 2008. The game got a serious second-wind on retail shelves. Not because of an expansion pack or a price drop — common reasons why we would sales increase. It was all because a commercial was shot with a celebrity playing the game for 30 seconds, that’s it!” - Jesse Divnich of the EEDAR

We’ve been following the sales of Professor Layton on Amazon week-for-week, and we all knew that something was up. Now we can see just how big of a deal that commercial was.
