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Majesco has Cooking Mama comment on Science Papa

by rawmeatcowboy
15 May 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

Majesco is a class act, I’ll tell you that. Yesterday the net was afire with people discussing Activision’s blatant Cooking Mama rip-off, Science Papa. Majesco has decided to take the high road by getting a statement from Mama herself. Believe it or not, Mama had a relationship with the Papa at one time!

We dated briefly (when he had much better hair). And now he clearly wants a piece of the best-selling pie by associating himself with an incredibly successful, and I’ll emphasize, happily married, woman. Frankly, he never appreciated my cooking and I grew weary of his tedious “experiments.” You want real mind-bending science, go figure out how to make Toulouse Cassoulet for your next dinner party of 20 and let me know how it goes, Papa.

Well played, Majesco…very well played.
