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Sony going after younger DS market with PSP

by rawmeatcowboy
20 May 2009
GN 1.0 / 2.0

“PSP is going for a younger market, which isn’t something we’ve really done before. Our heartland is 16-24-year-old men and always will be — they won’t be neglected in the slightest. But the summer’s game releases, such as Harry Potter and Petz, as well as the launch of the new colors, are certainly appealing to an 8-15-year-old audience.” - PSP’s UK product manager Claire Backhouse

I remember when Sony did nothing but badmouth the younger crowd that loves the DS. As a matter of fact, that was happening just a few months ago! Now they’re trying to woo that crowd over to their platform. Pretty slimy business practices, if you ask me.
